Heather K. BarclayApr 22, 2020Practice ResurrectionWe talk about resurrection and think about it as an event. Something God did a long time ago. But Berry invites us to "practice resurrec...
Nick CarpenterApr 14, 2020Silence & Descending: Homilies for Holy SaturdayThat is the beauty of lament: We love God so much we are willing to bear our heart, our pain, our anger and fears to Him."
Steve JohnsonApr 13, 2020Real People - by Brent Neely"Growing up I loved the Bible. It was God’s way of speaking directly to me ..However, growing up I also struggled with the Bible. "
Angie ChestnutJan 17, 2018Ordinary Time: Creation becoming KingdomLectio Divina suggestion: Psalm 139 The Christmas decorations are all put away. There's no more parties to plan, no gifts to shop for,...