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6301 Nall Ave
Prarie Villiage, KS 66202
Office Hours: T, W, F 8:30a-3:30p
Thurs 9:30a-3:30p
Word & Table: 1st Sat, each month, 6pm
Sunday School: Sun 9:30am
Worship Service: Sun 10:30am (Sanctuary)
Worship en Espanol: Sun 10:30am (Chapel)
Midweek Programs: Wed 10/2 - 11/20 6:30 -7:30
Adult Bible Study (upstairs across from Chapel doors)
Kids Club (Downstairs in children's Wing)
Bilingual Bible study (Conference Room)
Word & Table Service: Sat 6:00pm
Sunday School: Sun 9:30am
Worship en Espanol: Sun 10:30am
Worship Service: Sun 10:30am
Kids & Youth Activities: Wed 6:30pm
Office Hours: Mon-Thur 8:30-4:30
"We are a family of believers, broken by sin,
bound together by God's love,
on a Spirit-led journey to wholeness in Christ"
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